Over the past ten years Meru Herbs has received an annual grant from the Italian organisation ACLI (Associazione Cristiana Lavoratori Italiani) – out of which to fund school bursaries for the children of Meru Herbs’ workers and community farmers.
Bursaries are given to eligible parents as subsidies towards their children’s education, at both primary and secondary level. Applicants are selected by a Bursaries’ Committee. In the case of applicants seeking higher education, priority is given to technical training.
Each year, over the past ten years, about 60 school children and school leavers have benefited from financial assistance from ACLI. Over this period, at least four of the students graduating each year from the Don Bosco Technical Training School in Embu – as Plumbers, carpenters, Mansons, electricians and mechanics have been recipients of ACLI bursaries.
Many of the employees at Meru Herbs are graduates from the Don Bosco Technical Training School.